Our Contacts in Venezuela and Hungary
In accordance with Hungarian law, authorized Venezuelan members may sign letters of intent, but only the Hungarian members, messieurs Zsolt Vadadi and Milan are authorized by the Ministry of Justice of Hungary to sign valid offers and /or contracts on behalf of our institute.
Summa Cum Laude (t.d.) graduate of both the University of Sciences of Szeged (SZTE) in modern languages and the Budapest University of Economics (BGE).
See full professional profile in English here. and a personal site in Spanish here.

In Venezuela

In Hungary
Carlos Ramón Bolívar Rondón Venezuelan Chancellor and Charge
d' affaires also responsible for Latin America and the Caribbean
Milan Mamusich Economist
Member of the Presidential
Advisory Board
Political Sience and Legal studies at ULA . First Sergeant of the Venezuelan Air Force. Direct descendant of Juana Nepomucena Bolívar , the sister of Simon Bolívar, The Liberator of Latin America.
Mobile : +58-412-401-3845
E mail: sinrendirnos13@hotmail.com
Miranda Scientific Institute Office in Puerto (IUTPC) , Venezuela :
Estado Carabobo, Puerto Cabello , Urbanización La Elvira, Zona Industrial Santa Rosa Galpón No 8.
State Polytechnic Instute of Puerto Cabello
Miranda Scientific Institute Office in Caracas, next to the National Assembly of Venezuela:
Edifico Bonpland piso 1, Nº 101, Caracas, Parroquia Catedral, esquina de Sociedad a Gradillas.
Miranda Scientific Institute Office in
Budapest, Hungary:
Ribáry utca 12. 1022 Budapest
Contacts :
Mobile 1 / WhatsApp: +36 - 20-444-38-50
E- mail 1: icfm@tutanota.com
E- mail 2: mamusich@yahoo.com
Skype: gmamusich
Hours: 8AM - 10PM
Budapest, Hungary Local Time

José Greorio Alvarado Morillo Attorney at Law, Venezuelan Legal Representative also responsible for Latin America and the Caribbean
Spanish Language Credentials here
Mobile No. / WhatsApp of his assistant
Mr. Ramón Arturo: +58 412 966 77 58
E mail: josegregorioalvarado74@gmail.com
The Hungarian Francisco de Miranda Scientific Institute of Budapest, Hungary is located in the enchanting capital city of Hungary. This is the country which has the highest per capita number of Nobel Laureates in the world , because its national icon, „The Greatest Hungarian” Count István Széchenyi spurred by Bolivar’s victory in attaining Latin American independence with the help of the Hungarian Hussars, in 1825 adopted the Bolivarian ideal of establishing an Academy of Sciences to develop the country. The building of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences can be seen next to the left side of the Széchenyi Chain Bridgehead, which is one most beautiful places in Budapest.

Francisco de Miranda Scientific Institute of Budapest Hungary