Venezuela is not a communist dictatorship
Despite the widespread use of red banners, and red color in general, along with frequent military parades eerily reminiscent of Soviet era dictatorships in Eastern Europe (including that of János Kádár in Hungary), Venezuela is not a communist country. Even Hugo Chavez personally declared (see Spanish language video here) that the former Soviet Union was a dictatorship, and not a democracy. Venezuela, like Hungary, ordered the IMF to leave, and introduced a new Christian & patriotic antineoliberal (what Venezuelans call "Bolivarian" ) constitution.
Venezuela has free elections, and the fairness and reliability of its electoral system has been deemed as the best in the world by independent monitoring agencies, such as the U.S. based Carter Center led by former U.S. President and Nobel Laureate Jimmy Carter (see video below left). Former Vietnam military veteran (decorated with the order of the"Purple Heart" by the President of the United States for heroically having fought against the Soviets) and world famous film director, Oliver Stone, is also a strong advocate of Venezuela, who hails its absolutely free media and its patrotic economy (see video below right).
Venezuela has a mixed economy, most U.S. and global multinationals are present in Venezuela, and the Venezuelan state does everything to help its local entrepreneurs. The Bolivarian Venezuelan State regularly gives out what are essentially interest-free loans to national small and medium sized enterprises. Apart from the completely private sector , the Bolivarian Venezuelan State itself has a large number of joint ventures with national and international firms.
Even U.S. Senator Joe Kennedy II (close relative of former U.S. President John Fitzgerald Kennedy murdered in Dallas) morally supports Venezuela along with Hollywood stars like Sean Penn and Antonio Banderas for that matter( See videos below left and right).
The deeply Catholic Venezuelan President, Nicolás Maduro Moros, was received by Pope Francis, who on this occasion nominated his Venezuelan Papal Nuncio as the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Vatican State (see video below left). Despite the harsh political differences between the US and Venezuela, CITGO, a Venezuelan state-owned refinery complex, operates in Houston, Texas on U.S. soil with a multi-state gas station network, run by thousands of Venezuelan citizens. It provides between 9-20% of U.S. consumption (and donates heating oil to those in need). EU and / or NATO member countries such as Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Turkey already have large-scale economic projects in conjunction with the Bolivarian Government of Venezuela. It is particularly interesting the case of the Austrian-owned Ples Zrt. company (with headquarters in Budapest staffed by Hungarian personnel), which formed a joint venture with the Bolivarian Government of Venezuela, and using rapid-construction technology has already provided tens of thousands of temporary family homes and industrial buildings in Venezuela (see video below right) .

Francisco de Miranda Scientific Institute of Budapest Hungary