The Hungarian Francisco de Miranda Scientific Institute of Budapest is a Hungarian entity , the result of a bilateral agreement, with the consortium of Venezuelan state universities spearheaded by the State Polytechnic University of Puerto Cabello IUTPC (Spanish language Venezuelan government link)
In accordance with Hungarian law, authorized Venezuelan members may sign letters of intent, but only the Hungarian members, messieurs Zsolt Vadadi and Milan are authorized by the Ministry of Justice of Hungary to sign valid offers and /or contracts on behalf of our institute.

Carlos Ramón Bolívar Rondón Venezuelan Chancellor and Charge d' affaires also responsible for Latin America and the Caribbean
Political Sience and Legal studies at ULA . First Sergeant of the Venezuelan Air Force. Direct descendant of Juana Nepomucena Bolívar , the sister of Simon Bolívar, The Liberator of Latin America.

Zsolt Vadadi
Engineer; MBA
Engineer graduated from the Technical University of Budapest (BME) with an MBA from the University of Texas at Dallas (UTD) and IMADEC, Viena, Austria. Solar photovoltaic technology expert. Ex-Chief Technology Officer of Heliogrid a solar photovoltaic module manufacturer in Hungary. The technology at Heliogrid / Energosolar developed under his leadership was sold to the Chinese state.
Ex-Chief Technology Officer at Ecosolifer AG.
He led the development of the manufacturing of a 24% efficient economically viable solar photovoltaic cell. The Ecosolifer factory in Csorna, Hungary was inaugurated by the President of Hungary Dr. János Áder. The technology is so advanced, that only Panasonic in Japan has something comparable in the entire world. Zsolt is a fluent Japanese speaker.
Zsolt is a six Dan Kendo master and the national champion of Hungary. He is also the Vicepresident of the European Kendo Federation comprising 40 countries.
Since Zsolt is one of Europe's best photovoltaic technology experts, he is also the independent arbiter for photovoltaic projects representing Hungary, at INEA attached to the EU Commission in Brussels. INEA decides on EU funding for green energy projects within the EU. Zsolt's INEA identification number is EX2017D295691.
Zsolt currently works as a chief engineer for ENBI, a multinational company in Rétság, Hungary.

Prof. Dr. Jesús Muñoz Ph.D.
Venezuelan Vice-Chancellor also responsible for Latin America and the Caribbean
Tenured Professor of Energetics at the Simon Bolivar University (USB) and professor at the Central University of Venezuela (UCV) with a Ph.D. in energetics
Author of the nationwide physics educational program called Didactron
Presidential Advisory Board

José Greorio Alvarado Morillo Attorney at Law, Venezuelan Legal Representative also responsible for Latin America and the Caribbean
Attorney at Law (Specializing in International Law among other fields). University Teacher at the Bolivarian University of Venezuela.

Nakari del Valle Rujano Rivas Molecular Biologist, Venezuelan Legal Representative in matters pertaining acuacultural & agricultural projects
Molecular Biologist, M.Sc. graduated from the University of the Andes (ULA) specializing in fythopathology and ichtyopathology, currently working as a Chief of Laboratory at the Venezuelan State run National Institute of Agricultural Sciences (INIA).

Prof. Dr. Pedro Grima Gallardo Ph.D.
Tenured University Professor at ULA. Former Rector at UNELLEZ. Nuclear engineering studies conducted at the Polytechnic University of Turin, Italy. Physicist graduated at ULA. Doctoral studies in France with a Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics from the Pierre and Marie Curie (Sorbonne) University.
President of CIDA the Venezuelan National Astronomy Research Center. English Language Research Gate profile here.

Prof. Jairo Iván Alvarez Fontiveros
University Professor at UBV , Táchira State Extension. Degrees in Electrical Engineering (1981) & Business Administration from UIS , Colombia (1995). MSc in Strategic Development Sciences from UBV (2017). Contributor to the "Sucre" Mission in the realm of creating national university curricula in the fields of social management, environmental management, public administration, civil engineering, and food & agriculture (2008-2015). Professor at "Vuelvan Caras" Mission (2005-2006); Ribas Mission. (2006-2011); Che Guevara Mission (2012) and the "Robinson" Mission ("Productiva 2" chapter between 2015-2017).

Milan Mamusich
Summa Cum Laude (t.d.) graduate of both the University of Sciences of Szeged (SZTE) in modern languages and the Budapest University of Economics (BGE).
See full professional profile in English here. and a personal site in Spanish here.

Prof. Dr. Milagros Elena Rodríguez Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Studies in Educational Sciences. Ph.D. in Educational Innovation at UNEFA, M.A. in Mathematics, B.Sc. in Mathematics, with a second Ph.D. in Cultural Heritage at ULAC. Tenured research professor at the Mathematics Department of UDO , both at graduate and
postgraduate levels. Has more than 80 published and indexed research papers in Venezuela, Mexico, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Spain and Costa Rica. Arbitration committee member at several national and international scientific magazines. Lines of research in complexity theory and decolonization which are of interest in Hungary as well. She is assisted in her work by Ms. Rebeca Minerva Álvarez, Engineer & Artist.

Francisco de Miranda Scientific Institute of Budapest Hungary