Our mission
As part of the overall industrialization of Venezuela, President Nicolás Maduro Moros in 2015 announced 50 000 university scholarships ( Spanish laguage Venezuelan government site) to study abroad. These processes are financed by the world’s largest (Venezuelan) oil reserves which surpass that of Saudi Arabia.
The Hungarian Francisco de Miranda Scientific Institute of Budapest is a Hungarian entity , the result of a bilateral agreement, with a consortium of Venezuelan state universities spearheaded by the State Polytechnic University of Puerto Cabello IUTPC (Spanish language Venezuelan government link) , located on the postcard-picture-perfect shore of the Carribean Sea in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, and will channel the entire Hungarian university educational offering. During the first two years, the state IUTPC University alone plans to send to Hungary 550 students in engineering fields related to green energy, the automotive industry, and tourism. Two hundred and fifty students would be coming the first year.
Please see the English language Pan-Latin American TeleSUR global TV Channel interview below left on the Hungarian Miranda Institute and read about it on TeleSUR page here. TeleSUR which broadcasts over satellite in English, Spanish, Portuguese on 5 continents to over 2 Billion people, is Latin America’s answer to CNN.

Gradually the entire Hungarian university educational offering will be channeled linked but not restricted to, large scale Hungarian solar photovoltaic technology transfer with Chinese State guarantees along with the transfer of the mobile containerized water potabilization technology of the Hungarian State owned Budapest Waterworks *as reported in English by The Government of The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.* Other Hungarian advanced technologies will also be transferred as well.
The most important technology to be transferred is solar photovoltaics developed by the Chinese state in Budapest, Hungary. They have a production line which will be up and running in world record time, just 9 months. They produce solar photovoltaic modules using ordinary window glass and simple industrial gases readily available in Venezuela. It is a completely tropicalised technology which does not need clean lab surroundings. The 100% owner of this technology is the same Chinese state-owned entity called Beijing Sevenstar Electronics which provides technology for Haier, LG, and Samsung (among others) which have joint projects with the Bolivarian Government of Venezuela. They also have the technology to store energy at night, using vanadium-redox regenerative batteries which have infinite life (Venezuela produces large quantities of vanadium slag by burning oil rich in vanadium at its thermal power plants). See below the comparative costs and a Spanish language video on Chinese-Hungarian solar photovoltaic technology.
Video on the visit of his Excellency the Ambassador of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela accredited to Hungary, to the solar PV technological center in Budapest
Training Venezuelan technical and scientific experts in Hungary: Currently, there are about 30 000 (according to Hungarian Government figures), foreign students studying at Hungarian universities . Many of them come from the most developed countries in the world, such as Germany, Japan, USA, and China, among others. Not so long ago over 2 000 of students came from Brazil, and were sent to Hungary by Madame President Dilma Rousseff through the Brazilian Federal Government Scholarship Program (link in English).
The Hungarian technology transfer along with Hungarian Nobel Prize Winners & technological developments has already been repeatedly aired at TeleSur. The latter is the global public TV network of the alliance of Latin American states and one of the largest in the world, which broadcasts in English, Spanish and Portuguese (with plans to soon air in French and Mandarin Chinese) to a global audience of over a billion people on five continents (see video below left and the TeleSur coverage map below right).

In addition The IUTPC will set up a massive live Spanish language study program through web camera to decrease the linguistic deficit of Hungary. Hungary is in the last place within Europe in speaking foreign languages and this impacts its GDP negatively in the era of total globalization. The Hungarian language of Asian tribal origins bears no resemblance with any other European language (it even has its own tribal alphabet) and the country has been isolated for over half a century during the cold war.
On the orders of the Venezuelan Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture Mr. Juan Luis Laya Rodríguez, the Vice-minister of Fisheries Mr. Miguel Emilio Carpio Serrano received the Venezuelan representative of the Miranda Institute of Hungary in his office in Caracas, while the Hungarian party connected by Zoom from Hungary.
Following the meeting, Vice-minister of Fisheries Carpio posted the video on the left.
At the request of FAO, the Government of Hungary made an English language study on Cachama (Tambaqui) farming. Click on the link below.
The best Cachama (a species native to Latin America ) breeding experts in the world are Hungarian scientists employed by the Hungarian State. The Cachama is also called Tambaqui (the name varies depending on the country) and its scientific name is "Colossoma Macroponum". The Hungarian State will be in charge of the national breeding program of Cachamas (Tambaquis) in Venezuela. The FAO commissioned the Hungarian Government with the above study because of its stellar performance in this area in Latin America. The FAO is the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations that leads international efforts to defeat hunger and improve nutrition and food security. Said Hungarian state experts have already spent weeks in Venezuela (and neighboring countries) throughout the national territory evaluating the situation at the request of the Venezuelan state INIA (National Institute of Agricultural Research) during the historic administration of the Government of Commander President Hugo Chávez Frías.
The Miranda Institute with the Hungarian State is going to implement a national fish farming program in Venezuela with the help of scientists from the Department of Aquaculture at the State University of Agricultural Sciences of Hungary, throughout the national territory (there will be no cost of transportation of fish within Venezuela because of local production ) to stop speculation with fish and supply the population in a planned and regular way with a healthy and cheap protein source, creating many jobs. Hungary recently signed an agreement with the Government of Mexico (see Mexican Government statement in Spanish here) for the transfer of fish farming technology.
Hungary has also closed recently an agricultural cooperation agreement with the Chilean state Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias INIA de Chile (click here to read in Spanish) through the HAIK Hungarian State Fish Breeding Scientific Institute which is an entity subordinate to the Department of Aquaculture at the Hungarian State University of Agricultural Sciences that will also be in charge of the Venezuelan fish farming project.
Hungary, which for decades has assisted Brazilian agriculture and fish farming (which apart from freshwater fish currently produces industrial quantities of saltwater shrimp in Santa Catalina, Brazil, with Hungarian state assistance) at the request of Brazil is intensifying its cooperation. According to the Brazilian government portal of EMBRAPA "Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento", the Minister of Agriculture of Hungary István Nagy during his recent visit to Brazil (click here to read the news in Portugese on the Brazilian government portal) among other things, he agreed, I quote the original text in Portuguese: „creating a carp fish gene bank, which could serve as a model for gene banks of other species to achieve fish production with low environmental impact, and low water consumption that combines intensive and extensive systems; ".
Given the fact that Brazilian President Dilma Roussef during her tenure had already sent more than 2,000 university students to Hungary (click here to read a US Government publication on this fact in English here) and back home they perform so well, that Brazil in 2020, 2021, and 2022 will send additional 250 students per year, that is, 750 in total in 3 years to be trained in the fields of agriculture, fish breeding, science, and technology. Click here to see the short video of the Brazilian Ministry of Education on the signing of the agreement with Hungary.
The Cuban Government also continues its agrarian cooperation with Hungary, which it has had since Fidel's time since the 1960s. Click here to see the news In Spanish on the page of the Government of Cuba.
According to the Spanish-language portal of Vietnam's state news agency, Hungary will provide fish farming assistance to an Australian company operating in Vietnam. Click here to read in Spanish the Vietnamese state news. This is not surprising as thousands of Vietnamese studied in Hungary and there are currently Australians studying at Hungarian universities.
Apart from the fact that at the moment 1,800 Iranian students are studying in Hungary, the Central European country has been assisting in fish farming in Iran for decades. According to the English-language portal of the Iranian State News Agency, lately, Hungary has even started sending Hungarian carp baby fish to Iran (click here). Hungary's cooperation with Iran is quite substantial according to the portal of the Iranian state channel in Spanish language HispanTV and covers many fields (click here) and even the development of nuclear power plants with Hungarian technical help (click here). This is no coincidence since Hungarian scientist Leo Szilard invented the nuclear power plant.
The People's Republic of China dominates 30% of the Siberian sturgeon caviar global market with the help of Hungary. The egg of the Siberian sturgeon is Russian caviar, which per unit of weight is worth half the price of 24 K gold: Thanks to its two-centuries-old Bolivarian educational system, Hungary, the unknown technological superpower, also excels in the field of fish farming. To say the least, the carpiform fish (family of carp fish) farming methodology used throughout the world, was invented by the Hungarian fish breeding scientist Prof. Dr. Elek Woynárovich in the 1960s. Following the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Washington Consensus imposed spontaneous privatization on Hungary (total looting of Hungary). During this time they sold (stole) for a symbolic sum, a crown jewel of the Hungarian state fish breeding industry, a Siberian sturgeon fish farm (whose egg, Russian caviar per unit of weight costs half the price of 24K gold) located in the locality of Komádi in Hungary. This Hungarian entity was acquired by the North American businessman Bill Holst (with no experience in fish farming) who, thanks to the highest-level Hungarian fish scientists, expanded it in Western Europe under the Desietra brand.
The firm was so successful that the Government of the People's Republic of China asked for its help to bring this industry to China. Read the full story in Hungary's principal English language newspaper called Daily News Hungary (click here).
Thanks to Hungarian fish breeding scientists this world-class commercial success was such a game-changer that it was even reported by the prestigious US business magazine Forbes (click here).
The latest worldwide news about the Hungarian state's fish breeding science program is that the Hungarians created a hybrid of the Russian Caviar Sturgeon fish and the North American Paddlefish, which until now was not thought possible. See articles in English on CNN (click here) and on the New York Times (click here) portals dated June 2020.
Siberian sturgeon breeding farm and the world's largest Russian caviar processing plant located in China established with Hungarian help, covering 30% of the world's consumption! The egg of the Siberian sturgeon is Russian caviar, which per unit of weight is worth half the price of 24 K gold.

Russian caviar produced in China with Hungarian help proudly tasted by President of China Xin Yin Pin and President of Russia Vladimir Putin, who opined that it is as good as caviar produced by Russia.
How Hungary will help establish the Venezuelan freshwater fish-breeding program to supply the people with a very cheap healthy protein source and to put an end to speculation. Venezuela has 92 million hectares of freshwater surface (lakes and rivers). By enabling 0.27% of this freshwater surface, each one of the 30 million Venezuelan citizens can be given 300 grams of fish every day of the year. This can be accomplished in 5 to 10 years.
In 2001, a commission of Hungarian state agricultural scientists with PhD-s with a mixed profile visited Venezuela at the request of the Government of Hugo Chávez Frías. They spent more than a month in Venezuela and visited the entire national territory. Please see the report made by Hungarian state fish scientists in Spanish by clicking on the PDF icon below:
The Hungarian state at the beginning of the 2000's already sent a group of experts to Peru, where these Hungarian scientists developed a manual entitled "Artificial reproduction of the Colossoma and Piaructus species". These are the Gamitana (which is also called Cachama in Venezuela and Tambaqui in Brazil) and the Pacú fish species. The manual was made for the National Fund for Fisheries Development of the Republic of Peru (FONDEPES).
Based on this study and Hungarian state advice, Peru currently has small-scale fish farming in the Peruvian jungle.
Hungarian model fish farm of 100 hectares that we will replicate in Venezuela and that will produce at least 1000 tons of fish annually. Hungary, a mini country of the dimensions of the plain state of Apure (with 42% of the territory of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana), has 40 thousand hectares of fish farming surface waters that are filled with fish from hatcheries, that annually produce 40 thousand tons of fish such as, tambaqui, carp fish, catfish, etc.
These fish are sold either frozen or processed in factories as ready-made fish dishes. A processing plant in Hungary with a processing capacity of 2 metric tons per day
Breeding and processing of Siberian Caviar sturgeon in sheds in Hungary with high Hungarian technology. The price of caviar per unit weight is half the price of 24K gold. Hungary supporting its strategic ally, Russia!

Venezuelans will be trained in fish farming by the Aquaculture Department at the Hungarian State University of Agricultural Sciences so that the Great Venezuelan Fish Farming Mission may become autonomous.
The Miranda Institute has the full backing of the Hungarian State for the fish farming plan of Venezuela (click here) via the Department of Aquaculture at the Hungarian State University of Agricultural Sciences in the town of Gödöllő (see downloadable endorsement in PDF also next to the photo on the university top right. In this Hungarian university already in 1972 Fidel Castro gave a famous speech (see page of the Government of Cuba by clicking here) as a result of the agricultural and fish-farming cooperation of Cuba and Hungary, a country of the size of the Venezuelan member state of Apure (or 42% of the territory of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana) that has around 26 thousand hectares of fish farms of which annually produces about 40 thousand tons of carp fish, catfish, etc. These are then sold either live or frozen or processed as ready-made dishes. With the surface water of fish farms Hungary has, Venezuela due to its tropical climate could produce at least 400 thousand tons of fish per year, since fish in Venezuela are able to breed full 12 months while Hungary only for 3 months. Lately, Hungary has even begun to help her strategic ally Russia, since this country, due to the illegal Western sanctions cannot export its caviar to the West, whose price per unit weight is half the price 24 K gold. Hungarian fish scientists have started to breed Siberian caviar sturgeon fish in closed industrial halls under controlled conditions in Hungary (the bad boy of European Disunity according to Brussels) and in this way export Russian caviar to European Union.
Hungarian fish scientists have already made many fish farms in Latin America in recent decades in climates identical to that of Venezuela (for example in Brazil) and in fact , during the presidencies of Lula and Dilma Roussef, at the request of the Chávez government, a group Hungarian scientists traveled to Venezuela and studied the possibility of a national fish farming plan that included training of Venezuelan fish breeding scientists at the Faculty of Aquaculture at the Hungarian State University of Agricultural Sciences. It was determined that Venezuela, due to its nationwide freshwater base and its Caribbean coastline with a tropical climate (way more apt for fish breeding than European climate and geography) has optimal conditions for breeding fish at vast industrial scales.
In an artificial freshwater lake in Venezuela with a surface area of one hectare, it is quite feasible to produce 10 metric tons of fish annually with low technology. In case of high technology and professional management, this annual yield can reach 30 tons per year.
In the case of saltwater fish farms in the sea, we do not recommend putting farms in the open sea because over time the excrement of the fish kept in the farm in the open sea, destroys marine ecology. The concentrated excrement causes an over-blooming of algae and the beautiful clean Caribbean Sea becomes dirty.
What can be done are artificial lakes next to the Caribbean Sea that are filled with salty seawater (in this case you only have to pump additional salty water to compensate for evaporation due to heat). In this case, the artificial lake is drained for a few months and the fish excrement accumulated at the bottom is processed by plants that grow there once the lake is drained. Once the cycle is completed, the artificial lake can be filled with seawater again. In this case, it is possible to raise about 1 tonne of marine fish per year per hectare of an artificial lake with saltwater.
In the same way, in lakes with salt water near the ocean, up to 2-3 tons of marine shrimp per hectare can be produced per year.
As the profitability of saltwater fish farms per unit of money invested is much lower than the profitability of freshwater fish farms, it is recommended to start with freshwater fish farms.
Hungarian experts who have already made fish farms throughout Latin America say that Venezuela has an ideal climate to establish a nationwide fish farm industry. The problem will not be the production of fish, but the eating habits of the people. If they really like fish, then this can become the cheapest and cleanest (contaminant-free) source of protein for the people.
Thanks to the adoption in Hungary in 1825 by Count István Széchenyi of the ideas of Simon Bolivar and that of his master Simon Rodríguez on the deelitisation and massification of education, the crucial technologies of mankind of the past two hundred years, like electrical generation, the computer, nuclear generation and more have been invented by Hungarians. This fact is silenced by the Western World. The USA and Western European powers up to this day insinuate the falsehood that these are their inventions.

With over 28 Hungarian Nobel laureates to its credit, Hungary has the most Nobel laureates per capita in the world, with 15 actually born in Hungary !
Hungary has some of the oldest universities in the world and the oldest technical university in the world. Hungary has the highest per capita concentration of Nobel laureates on the entire planet. There are 15 who were born in Hungary, and the total number is over 28 counting those born abroad to Hungarian parents. It is no exaggeration to say that technologically speaking the past 200 years have been heavily influenced by Hungary (partial video here).Our lives would not be the same without Hungarian contributions to the invention of electrical generation, the first electrical car, the nationwide electrical systems needed to electrify a country (technology used by the North American George Westinghouse), the first electrical train (even Nicolas Tesla was partially Hungarian and studied in Budapest), the electric meter, the Wolfram filament light bulb, the neon tube, scuba diving gear, the three-phase electrical train, the electric turbo generator, the carburetor, Ford's Model T, Volkswagen's Beetle(mass produced under the Standard brand before it was stolen), jet propulsion, the first helicopter, the rigid airship (bought by Zeppelin) sound film, the first TV, color TV nuclear energy generation, nuclear fusion, the major contributions to the atom bomb, H bomb, the computer, basic programming, and the list could go on endlessly. (See partial listing here.) Even Hollywood was mainly created by Hungarians!
See partial list of Hungarian Nobel Laureates here!
See partial list of famous Hungarian scientists here !
The Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the highest academic authority of the nation, has the most Nobel Lauretates per capita in the world, was founded in 1825 (historical photograph) by Count István Széchenyi who based his revolutionary ideas on those of Simon Bolivar. The Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 1983 established The Simon Bolivar Memorial Comission of Hungary.

Hungary is proud of its formidable talents which include the Venezuelan Nelson Merentes Díaz, President of The Central Bank of Venezuela who obtained a Ph. D. in mathematics with the highest "summa cum laude" distinction in Budapest, Hungary.
In this video beginning at 0:12 min. Dr. Merentes starts speaking in Hungarian !
In this video, Dr. Merentes praises the incredibly high cultural, technological and scientific development level of Hungary, the reason behind his personal and professional growth.
The President of the Central Bank of Venezuela Dr. Nelson Merentes Díaz is one of the very few foreigners who managed to get a Ph.D. in Mathematics in Hungary at the University of Budapest, with the highest “summa cum laude” distinction, a feat only a small number of Hungarians ever achieve due to the extremely high educational standards. Some of the most important developments in the field of mathematics - such as non-Euclidean geometry have been developed in Hungary.
Dr. Nelson Merentes Díaz started to speak in Hungarian during one of his TV interviews (above right, beginning 0:12 min.) because the reporter had a Hungarian surname, although unlike Merentes, could not actually speak Hungarian. During his many TV interviews Merentes has always expressed his eternal gratitude to Hungary and given accolades to the "incredibly" high level Hungarian culture and proudly announced that he considers Hungary his second homeland. In the video above right, Dr. Merentes also speaks about the incredibly high cultural, technological and scientific development level of Hungary, and that his training there contributed the most to his personal and professional growth.
Dr. Nelson Merentes Díaz is the main economic and financial expert behind the improved quality of life of Venezuelans, a fact recognized by the United Nations and even published by the neoliberal Bloomberg News Agency.
Concerning famous Hungarian mathematicians, another example is the brilliant “ Charles" (Károly) Simonyi, who became the right hand of Bill Gates the salesman, and a major architect of the success of Microsoft. Born and raised in Hungary. Károly Simonyi is the only two-time space tourist in the world. During one of his space voyages on board of Russia’s Soyuz spacecraft, he thanked the eminent Hungarian mathematician and Member of The General Assembly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Prof. Emeritus Dr. Gyula J. Obádovics for writing the self-help book entitled Mathematics in 1958 (download the Hungarian version of the book here) to which Simonyi credits his entire career and the success of Microsoft . Generations have learned from the Hungarian and German language versions of this book in Europe .
The plans are not only to translate this book into Spanish and include it in the Venezuelan curriculum, but to translate it into English, French, Portuguese, and Dutch as well, covering all the major national languages spoken in the Americas, and make the different language versions freely downloadable to the benefit of humanity. From right to left: Charles (Károly) Simonyi with Bill Gates, Simonyi honoring Gyula J. Obádovics and a video on Professor Obádovics born in 1927.

Francisco de Miranda Scientific Institute of Budapest Hungary